Saturday, May 5, 2007


I was so psyched for two weeks about the bike ride... today... May 5th. Now the regret is moving in.

I'll have to wake up at 5:30-6:00am in order to be ready by 6:30. My aunt will pick me up, we'll load the bikes, then drive out to Arcadia. I think the marathon starts at 7:30. Anyways, we'll be biking for 10 miles in the cursed hot sun. Then I must endure the company of my 'aunt' over breakfast.

This 'aunt' isn't the one I'll be biking with, but another. One who isn't like by most of the family. Her children and husband went to my dad's mother's funeral (my grandmother), but she didn't. Also, when her own mother was dying, she was more concerned about buying and moving into a new house. I think what really tipped the bucket was when she claimed she needed money cause she was going to lose her job, and her husband was getting laid off. Her brother has mental handicaps, and gets money from the state. She wanted to sell the house (grandparents house) to get her share, which would give my uncle his share, but cut off his funds from the state. Basically she was willing to put her handicapped brother out on the streets.
My aunt, who I am biking with, went into her retirement money and bought my 'aunt's' share of the house so she could get the money.

That 'aunt' turned around and used the money to fix up her house and buy a new car. Needless to say, she nor her husband lost their jobs.

So she isn't liked. My other aunt doesn't seem to care that my 'aunt' did this, and acts like nothing happens. She's dragging me to breakfast at 'her' house and even made my sisters and cousin go. So ... not looking forward to that.

After the bike ride, I'll be really sore. I just know it. It's probably the farthest I've ever travelled... or will travel, for that matter. I'm sure I can make it, since I'm an endurance swimmer and all, but I hope I don't lag behind. Sure this is for a fundraiser, but I don't want to be like one of the last people to cross the finish. ><

>> I can't really think of anything else to blog about. I can say that my day consisted of making 30 sandwiches, taking cookies out of the oven, watching my sisters swim meet, and playing Soul Calibur III (and owning everyone with my ninja). That's basically it.

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