Friday, September 12, 2008


I went out to water the front lawn yesterday and got stung by a wasp. At first I didn't even know what happened. Suddenly there was a sharp pain followed by a burning sensation on the knuckle where my thumb connects to my hand, followed by a spread in the burning across my hand and down to my wrist. My first reaction was to shake my hand really fast. I looked around and spotted a wasp flying really close.

Immediately I went into the house. A red dot formed where I had been stung. Then a white circle around that. Finally, a larger red patch appeared around that.

Today, it is swollen and it itches. It's ridiculous. I think I would have rather had 5 bee stings - they don't last that long. My hand hurts, itches, and I can't close it properly.

Oh well, hopefully it won't be this way for the rest of the week.

Oh, and my laptop is kp'ing. I hope I can get it fixed soon. School starts the 25th ><